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Gang of cheaters. Very obvious!

So I was hosting one of my usual games when I noticed that 2 players were running a blitz strategy with absolutely no reinforcements left on each others borders. Obviously not concerned that one of them might attack the other. I looked at the profile names of the 3 players and it became obvious that these guys were running a team strategy. All 3 players names ended in the number 17. After easily being destroyed, I logged into several other games and found a correlation of players on games with their names ending in 17. I also noticed some correlation with other numbers such as 16, 15, and 14, although I don't know for sure if players with these numbers are teaming. The number 17 however is very clear and obvious! Now I've seen other players complain of cheating when it really wasn't clear and things just didn't seem to be going their way. This is not the case in my situation. I've been playing this version of the game for several years and have a Master rating. I know that sometimes players don't attack each other simply because its not in their strategic best interest. This is not the case here. When 2 players are running Blitzkrieg across the map with total disregard for the security of their mutual borders, and all 3 players have a screen name that ends with 17, and further more, several other games are showing this same correlation, then there's no doubt whatsoever that we have a gang of cheaters! Ironically, most of these players have very weak ratings. Which perhaps shows why they cheat. They simply have no strategic skills! Pathetic children using unethical behavior to give themselves a sense of accomplishment rather than becoming better through trial and error and logical reasoning. 

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Just had one of these cheaters, could clearly see he was cheating after spectating
Both players’ name end in “22”. As anyone can see, they are not attaching each other. RISK should not allow players that have the same name ending to play in the same game.
Same story as always. Cash Black 22 Eduardo Boomer 22 Was clear whole game but just insultingly by the time it was us 3 left. Green clears all borders. S. America and Africa. Red same. U.S. Europe. They put everything on mine in Australia. Now I have more than both of them because they had blitzed the other 3 players to nothing and they hadn't had all that territory but a turn. Anyway. Green gets set. Suicides on my border ignoring red has all US and Europe. Red cleans me up. I keep watching. They still don't attack right away. Red retreats to 1 corner in Australia and green takes the world. I got bored of watching after a bit so don't know result, usually I like to see which is the puppet and which the pussy bitch cheating at a game, but wanted to report this.
Add Clement Scorchio 17 to that list of cheaters

It makes no sense to me: why do a human cheater should choose to help you to understand he's a cheater ?  Those 17s are part of computer generated names.   Anyway: did you play against all of them  or you gave up to as soon as you saw those 17s ? 

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