I agree with you, is sucks getting ganged up on, either by two legit players, or otherwise.
I'm making the claim for users to notice the difference between an exploit and a cheat.
Only one if fixable.
But you'll see the feature requests full of users crying out to SMG to fix a cheater to read thru their complaint to once again end up as an exploit and not fixable.
I hate cheaters, want to make that clear.
But I politely disagree, that two players playing together is not cheating.
It's cheap game play perhaps, but is part of the game. Some players exploit this feature more than others, I agree, but where is the cheat? As long as both players, even a ridiculous BOT plays under the same rules, same dice odds, etc, I'm fine! Plus how to stop one player playing on WiFi, and another plays on cell towers, now what? Can't stop that!
What if it two friends actually playing together, do you really want that banned, and how exactly should they go about it?
Two quote, "I suck, therefore you must be cheating", and "If the shoe fits" comes to mind.
I wish everyone would stop complaining to SMG to fix something that's not fixable. Understand what a cheat actually is. Never seen someone roll all sixes every time, or freeze all players but them and kill everyone off, how about a nuke in the game, haven't seen that yet either, emphasis GOD mode, can't say I've seen that either. There are a few glitches in the game, but two players ganging up on you is not a glitch, it's a feature, and some players exploit it badly. Some just want to play with their friends.
Been playing games for 20 years easy, wondering what rules changed where friends are not supposed to play games together. In my past, that was the whole point usually. I used to own a cyber cafe (10 years, woot), and playing games together was amazing! Can't image someone walking in my store and complaining those two players are playing together and I want that fixed.
I would have told them where the door is!
I still love the game, thanks you SMG! I really appreciate your efforts, as cheating in this game is SUPER MINIMAL compared to most.
Snowy owl
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