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Cheating vs Exploit

You should be careful accusing someone of cheating.

 -Two players ganging up on you is NOT CHEATING!

- One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!

- BOTS tough one, but still saying the BOT has no actual cheats but just another account to try and give the player an edge. Not much dif. then having a second account. Still saying this is NOT CHEATING!

I calls these exploiting a games feature, and impossible to stop.

I have hundreds of games logged in Risk, and have not seen one person actual cheat, as in roll sixes every roll, control the game so no one can move but only them, GOD mode where you can't hurt them, etc. NOT ONCE!

I do see many players trying to get an advantage with a second account, but honestly most of them suck and need two accounts.

I see many posts about cheating, but I challenge any of you, prove they actual have cheats vs just playing a second player who also is not cheating rather then playing dirty.

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All good points, but my point I'm really trying to make is this:

- Cheating, in my opinion, is fixable by a software update, or an anti cheat program, etc.

- Exploiting, in my opinion, is something the developers can't really fix. Even one guy, two accounts - Have one on WiFi, one on cell towers, now their IP's are different, so once again developers can't stop that, so I call this an exploit.

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So you don't think it's a bit dodgy when two computer controlled AI gang up on you... Attacking your strongest area Head on to take your continent off you and doing everything to put you into a corner.... Whilst simultaneously leaving an "expert" who has left wide open gaps that The AI just so happens not to attack! According to SMG the only hack they have found is people who give themselves more troops.... Despite the very compelling evidence and explanation I sent them they determine that my location is the cause of the AI giving a significant advantage to another player. Call it what you want mate but giving yourself an advantage over others in a game is cheating. I get the impression that SMG really don't give a dumb about cheats... I'm bloody stupid and even I have thought of a way the game has been hacked that they haven't.. This game is majorly flawed and I'm getting fed up of getting myself into a strong position for this game to screw me over one way or another... I have had about 15 wins go walk abouts and dissappear....beating so called "experts" and "masters" but don't worry the only hack that has happened in this game IS THE STUPIDEST AND MOST OBVIOUS HACK TO SPOT AND NO HACKER IN THE WORLD COULD THINK OF ANYTHING SMARTER... sorry for the rant.... SMG have kinda annoyed me haha

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ATT. MATT L ANDRE THE REST OF YOU EXPLOITERS OUT THERE! If anyone would care to look up the definition of "Cheater" and "Exploiter" you will find, that it is pretty close. But you ARE grinding points on others behalf. Indeed everyone else could use two or accounts. And everyone else could find another way to chea-, I mean exploit of course. BUT THEY DON'T! To Cheat: "[...] Act in a dishonest way [...]" To Exploit (2): "[...] To use selfishly for one's own ends [...]" (And yes, - I AM aware of the OTHER definitions in the links :D)

1 person likes this're a cheater.  I don't want to play with you.  Sorry.  Learn to pick up on sarcasm.

FYI Risk doesn't have alleys.  Or did you mean "allies"?

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I know your thinking, what if...

I try to make it look like, if the other player doesn't kill their own (allegedly) teammate, then I will, so it's in their best interest to allow so one player still wins. I would get 2nd place, better than 3rd in that scenario. 

Sizing you up, figures... knew you wouldn't take a direct challenge,

You claim I cheat, I claim you suck at Risk!

Let me know when you want to prove you don't suck.

I'm not thinking "what if" Matt.

I'm asking how you win in that situation.

It happens all the time because so many people LIKE YOU are using multiple accounts.

So your big "strategy" is to shoot for 2nd place lol?

The only way you could even finish second in that situation is if orange let you.

That's a pathetic answer BTW. 

When a player cheats and uses multiple accounts it's almost impossible to overcome.  The only reason it's technically "possible" to overcome is because theoretically you could roll 6s a hundred times in a row....but it' not likely.

Players using multiple accounts happens all the time.  So tell do you overcome a 2:1 advantage? 

You're the me out.

You have so much wisdom, explaining all your loses.

Stay with that, it's your story.


You say tossing in the towel is the only option, I'm saying if I can get one of the other players to take out their own teammate, sacrificing cards so one is victorious. I look at that as I also won. SO that would be my strategy, not throwing in the towel.

When playing for rank, 2nd place still counts, 3rd does not as you'll actually lose rank in 3rd place. Although, this is dif as you approach Grandmaster, 1st place or nothing, cause 2nd place loses rank then. Heck 1st place gets you like 100 or 200 rank standing point, you barely move.

Not sure why you think that a pathetic strategy, vs your ingenious throwing in the towel strat!

 There are NO OTHER PLAYES lol.  It's one guy controlling TWO accounts.

You look at losing to cheaters as "winning" you look at cheating as an "exploit".

It's a pathetic strategy because you're just giving in to cheating.

You call people who complain about cheaters like you "whiners" yet you're so gutless you'd rather finish second or third than call out cheating.


Yeah, I played a game yesterday where a Master had at least 2 accounts.  He used his Master account to sit back and collect cards while he used another account to attack and weaken other players.  All I could do was flash the blank face every time his 2nd account attacked someone else instead of him and he just flashed the smiley face at me.

That's the most infuriating thing, there's nothing you can do when these guys cheat.  All you can do is sit there and take it or quit.

He pretended his 2nd account was a separate player until the first couple of players were eliminated then he started attacking to get cards by using his Master account which had just sat back until this point and his 2nd account in coordinated attacks.

Nothing you can do in that situation. 

Like I keep saying I don't get why anyone cares enough about Risk to cheat like that.  What kind of loser needs two accounts to win at Risk?

 Matt, people like you cheat to win.

So tell do you win in that situation?  How do you win when a person is cheating and controlling twice as many troops, cards, turns as you.

Tell me how I could have prevented that "loses" lol.

Quit making excuses and break it down for do you win in that situation?  It happens all the time. 


And keep defending cheaters and whining about people who call out cheaters.  That says all that needs to be said about you.

2 years of you here whining about people who call out cheating and have a problem with it.  2 years of you defending cheating.


I just played a game where I had no chance.  There was one of the other three players who did NOTHING in the game but attack me   All of this was unprovoked.   He turtled all his troops and would then spend each term simply doing manual attacks to reduce my troop count.  He never attacked the stronger players who were the more obvious threats.

This was clear and obvious collusion, and a complete waste of my time.  Anyone who thinks this is okay is an equally large piece of shit.

Hey everyone, we received some feedback that this thread was getting off topic, so we thought we would clear up any confusion that may be happening.

Cheating is defined in the Fair Play rules as:

  1. Hacking the game, in any way, is cheating.

  2. Using multiple accounts in the same game to gain an advantage is cheating.

  3. Playing with someone you know and working together to gain advantage is cheating.  

If you wish to play with people you know please use the Play with Friends mode. If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally. 

A link to the fair play rules is found here:

If anyone would like to report players in breach of the above rules, please report players in game. 

This thread will now be closed to further posts.

See you on the battlefield!

-SMG Support Team

Matt....there is no "THEY"'s one guy with twice as many men as you have.

Trying to talk to you is like talking to a child.  If you attack red anywhere you're going to lose men.  Red is going to keep attacking you.

Orange is sitting back getting stronger. 

There's nothing you can do EXCEPT attack red....which is what the other player wants.  Then when you're spent from fighting with red....he's going to come at you with orange which will have a huge numerical superiority.

You keep saying you don't care about the "country", I assume you mean continent?  But if orange and red control continents they're getting a bonus every turn.  Are you sure you know how to play Risk?

Every single turn Orange is getting the Australian bonus and a card.  Every single turn Red is attacking you, trying to take away any bonus you have and getting a card.  You can't win the game without taking over continents at some point.

How many times do I have to explain that to you?  There is no "they".  There is one guy using multiple accounts lol.

One account to grind you down....the other to finish you off.  There's NOTHING you can do in that situation.  You can't kill red or orange because it's one player using both of them.

Really dude, learn to read and listen to what people are saying to you.