Hey everyone, we received some feedback that this thread was getting off topic, so we thought we would clear up any confusion that may be happening.
Cheating is defined in the Fair Play rules as:
Hacking the game, in any way, is cheating.
Using multiple accounts in the same game to gain an advantage is cheating.
Playing with someone you know and working together to gain advantage is cheating.
If you wish to play with people you know please use the Play with Friends mode. If you still wish to play with friends against real opponents, play as if they were an enemy, not an ally.
A link to the fair play rules is found here: http://smgstudio.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/11000017727
If anyone would like to report players in breach of the above rules, please report players in game.
This thread will now be closed to further posts.
See you on the battlefield!
-SMG Support Team
I used to play fixed, but out of all my games, maybe 75+ progressive.
Fixed (to me) is just boring. Every game, stack and wait, and hope others who are also stacking attack someone ELSE first. Then you back stab em, cause their weak. Just prefer Progressive..., but have always played 60 seconds games.
...and don't forget Tommy Buzz being my first player, so I had to learn how to play with him as well. So early games prob took way long, who knows.
My game settings:
Classic, auto placement, progressive, export, 60 secs, no fog, blizz on, alliance off, rank on, min Beginner, max GM, Dice = Balanced Blitz
I only stop Novice from joining, hoping to minimize some co-op players.
Anyone can join my games, no kicking, and prefer a full game of six real players
Give it a 3-5 count to allow game jumpers time to leave, then Start the game!
So no stacking of high ranked players in my games...
Guess what I did today, Master Lvl :)
Intermediate 128k Game #2631, but dropped to
Beginner 186k Game #2646
Export 48k Game #2656
Master 18k Game #2688
So Beginner to Master in 42 Games, with no one to compare against, I'd still say that pretty awesome!
More important to note, I have not noticed anyone cheating, or pairing against me.
Honest play, some games easy, some very tough, def. lost a few for sure...
Not seeing the cheating everyone is screaming about.
I'll re-post if I hit GrandMaster, but that's no joke, only hit it twice.
Also, I'm getting down there...Expert 27k, think Master is around 12k or 18k :)
if i spot u i will indeed...
how do u make the pic show up big, instead of the stupid link mine has??
OK, this is crazy. Love It, but crazy!
Lost my grove for a moment, and dropped all the way down to Beginner, was getting whooped...
None from cheaters, just some aggressive game play and I would get attacked first. All good, but Ouch!
But I'm not a quitter, nor a whiner, I press on...
Now for my 2nd even more impressive comeback :)
Hope you join one of my games, your welcome anytime!
Wow, all the way down to 128k Int. from 2200ish Rank GrandMaster. (Think all time low was 1800)
Won all but 2 or 3 games I think...
Getting better, and then my best Win EVER!!! Two GrandMaster's, an I owed them !!!
Prob should have invited them :)
Final Rank after only 9 games, still no cheaters :)
Getting there, Export to Master soon enough...
matt- oh without doubt its very very difficult to prove someones cheating , in fact yes nion impossible, but that in no way makes it that they are not cheating.
having proof or not doesn't make it untrue in reference to the game,if it was aimed at a person or isolated incident , yes lawfully "i'd lose" but on the game as a whole i'd have the stronger case,
I agree with your thinking. Don't think your supporting cheating at all, not am I, your just seeing it for what it is. Not near as much of a big deal as their claiming it to be!
Matt L
You should be careful accusing someone of cheating.
-Two players ganging up on you is NOT CHEATING!
- One player playing two accounts is NOT CHEATING!
- BOTS tough one, but still saying the BOT has no actual cheats but just another account to try and give the player an edge. Not much dif. then having a second account. Still saying this is NOT CHEATING!
I calls these exploiting a games feature, and impossible to stop.
I have hundreds of games logged in Risk, and have not seen one person actual cheat, as in roll sixes every roll, control the game so no one can move but only them, GOD mode where you can't hurt them, etc. NOT ONCE!
I do see many players trying to get an advantage with a second account, but honestly most of them suck and need two accounts.
I see many posts about cheating, but I challenge any of you, prove they actual have cheats vs just playing a second player who also is not cheating rather then playing dirty.
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