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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

All the cheating in this game is the reason why I only play games in which I created. I also only open 3 slots not including myself, two of which are computer fills. That way its just me vs the other guy and I am assured there is no cheating.

Effy Zay --

That's close to what I do.  (I like to play the 6-player game, with 3 AIs and 2 additional human players.) Perhaps that's why I don't run into cheaters very often. 

Heber Masterson 2 (Expert) is a pathetically obvious cheat with Milly1946!(novice). He didn't even take the time to TRY to make it look real. Novices don't act as guards for your flanks with no benefit to themselves. Does he think we are stupid?

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Background: I've played more than 500 games and have been "stuck" on Intermediate level for weeks now, sometimes getting nudged up into Expert. I think the game ranking has changed with that new push they did a few weeks ago. Not sure, just a hunch. It feels like game play is better, with dice rolls, auto-nation layout, and rankings, in particular. So, thanks SMG for that!

On cheating: Just yesterday I saw something what others have talked about. An Expert joined my game along with two Beginners. Now, usually, I boot any Novices. Won't even play with them anymore. (They're too erratic and too likely to be the side accts for the cheaters.) So the Expert quickly took N. Am. and one of the Beginners took S. Am. and kept 1 troop--through the rest of the game--to "guard" Central Am. Too obvious. The Expert quickly swept the board.

Solution: I think someone has already mentioned a "solution" to cheaters, but it's worth repeating. Start your own game. Boot out any Novices that join. And, I hate to even suggest this, but now it seems be wary of Beginners joining your game, too. Mark them down. The Expert I played with was DoctorJMitch. The Beginner was AriochGS.

SMG: 1. Couldn't this type of cheating be resolved with code, figuring out which accounts play the same game to play against other players, track them and penalize them somehow? 2. Is there a log somewhere we players can track/report this type of game abuse?

I play as John Baptiste 4.

She got additional cards each turn please check my game vs her and ban! Cheaters nick is Anne Derome

I suspect "Hady Akiki" calls reinforcements from "erkikko904" before the war even started :) 

Check it out @SMG -- game played at 14:30 GMT (London time)

So many comments about cheaters, exposing cheaters, ideas how to minimize cheating, yet NOTHING from SMG in reply.
The game creators should allow a 1v1 mode to eliminate the the individuals that play on multiple devices which unfortunately seems as it's a big problem already!
I do not understand why the game does not simply create a 1v1 mode to eliminate the multiple adevixe cheaters. This game is very entertaining but the multiple device cheaters are so damn annoying! Completely ruining what is a great game!
A simple solution, in global domination mode allow for 1v1 battles. The multiple device cheaters are ruining this otherwise fun game and ultimately will be the demise of this game. It is very offputting to play a game in which it's extremely obvious you are playing against a player on two devices!

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I play as zodemus. If you happen to trap me in a 3 or 4 person bot game just know that I will attack only you in the first round wherever I can and then leave the game. I don't care that much about my rank so I will do my best to sabotage your cowardly strategy.

If you are playing against one human and some bots the thing they hope you will do is quit. If you do they can't possibly lose because even if they are defeated (and that isn't likely) the game won't count.
My suggestion is to have the ability to play 1v1 - only humans in Global Domination Mode. No CPU players. Literally 2 humans playing. Eliminates cheaters, muliple device players, and gets rid of all the stupid collusion.
I'm looking for a 1 v 1 mode in Global Domination. NO AI. You can't start a game now w less than 3 total players. 2 humans only allows for no multiple device players and the collusion that makes this game unenjoyable.

Well then Secta I guess they win if that's how the mechanics work. I refuse to play against one other person and all bots. Glad to know I'm giving them what they want.

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