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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

How about a fucking block feature? Let players block other players. It’s not just cheaters I would like to block. I just played a game where a player randomly suicided on me on her fourth turn. I have no idea why. It was either cheating or just an idiotic player but either way I don’t want her ever in one of my games again. What are we supposed to report players who just ruin games as? As it stands we can’t do a damn thing about players who don’t confirm, or suicide, or quit in game etc. Why is a block feature such a hardship For the devs? Like I keep asking didn’t the game used to have a block FeAture?

I'm ok with a block feature as long as it cannot count for rank. Can't give someone a feature to block better players and still count.

Matt the rankings are meaningless because of all the cheating. Did you not see Yasin’s rank? “Grandmaster” ranked something like 1,050. It’s a joke. The cheating is out of hand, even in games I create. And what difference does it make if players block lower ranked players? Most really highly ranked players won’t play low ranked players anyway. I’m just sick of idiots turning into bots or cheating or randomly suiciding on the 4th turn. I would really like a way to make sure I never play those clowns again. I’ve reported multiple CONFIRMED cheaters in the last two weeks and heard nothing back and my rank didn’t change so were they actually banned? Who knows?


I have Zero interest to join your band wagon to point out people you don't like or think are cheating!

I am only interested in a solution that leaves everyone with no option but to admit the game they just played was fair without cheating!

This is why I've pushed for a game finder "Auto Match" for all online ranked games. Random people every game! Choose your desired game settings (map, card type, round time, etc.) and join a queue waiting for others.

Open to hear any solution, can't seem to get any votes for my idea, so I'll vote for yours if it solves fairness in Risk. I'd love to be part of the reason this thread is closed one day cause it's no longer needed.

Hi Matt, I didn't get to thank you for your help. Your explanation helped me a lot. Your suggestion is interesting and would probably solve the problem. What bothers me is the willingness of the players to wait. And now, after a short wait, they jump out, jump in, don't confirm ... Anyway, you have my vote. Your suggestion is reasonable and would not give players the opportunity to harass other players.

Божа 537,

"Auto Match", doe's not require you to click "I'm Ready", but doe's not offer any choice of desired game settings you prefer.  ..if a player disconnect or leave it would still count against their rank.

- Add game preferences to "Auto Match"

- Require "Auto Match" for all online ranked games! (Global Domination = Auto Match)

Then try to improve the computer AI, cause when player leaves, AI is brutal, has no conception of winning strategies, only blind randomness.

Sorry Matt. I try to understand, but I can't. Now we have the setting of everything. I often wait for 3 players and often give up at night. How many players need to be interested in the same settings for the computer to randomly connect them? I'm not countering you, I just don't understand. I like the idea, but I don't understand how it could technically succeed. I said everything about the UI. I see that he is a little smarter, he is trying to conquer and keep the continent, but he is still very stupid and, as you said, brutal. Many times he hit my 20-30 soldiers for no reason. It is usually an end and a waste of effort. I would really like to introduce penalties for players who often don't confirm.

> If AutoMatch would allow for desired game settings, perfect! (Ex: I prefer more classic board settings)

Now force it, when you click "Global Domination" it would take you to AutoMatch.

My friend in Customer Support says we're actually going to expand Automatch to be the entire Ranked section of the game with better setting choices and balancing eventually.

This will also basically eradicate collaboration from the game, so great for you too Jason!

It will even eliminate use of bots in game - When players leave, the AI will not attack and will simply skip their turn. I'm sure you'll be happy about that Jason.

We also DO have a block feature! If you report someone, it automatically blocks them. Additionally, if you send a friend request and they deny it, or you accept their request then unfriend them, it also blocks them!


That's great Matt, nobody cars.

Just don't use nonsense like meaningless ranks as an argument against a block feature.

 Ok, if someone does something like randomly suicide on me after their 4th turn.....what I report that as?  "Cheating"?  "Collaboration"?  "Hacking"?  "Harassment"?

As far as sending friend requests to block someone.....give me a break.....just give us a way to BLOCK THEM.  We shouldn't have to jump through ridiculous hoops to block cheaters, non-confirming players, idiots who mess up games, etc.

And hey Matt, haven't you heard what Eric says about the's not that it's stupid and completely's just it's "personality".

Submit a ticket!  Apparently the devs just don't know how shitty the AI is!

> so if someone does something like randomly suicide on me after their 4th turn.....what I report that as?  "Cheating"?  "Collaboration"?  "Hacking"?  "Harassment"?

Collaboration, of course, or as general cheating if they aren't suiciding on you to make another win. But sometimes that's not cheating, sometimes that's just someone being an asshole. Happens in real life games too.

As far as sending friend requests to block someone.....give me a break.....just give us a way to BLOCK THEM.  We shouldn't have to jump through ridiculous hoops to block cheaters, non-confirming players, idiots who mess up games, etc.


You REALLY don't even need a block feature. The likelihood of getting in a game with the same player twice, unless you specifically find and join their game, is so small it's practically nonexistent - there are 23 million players.

I've already addressed the AI.

Anyway, I'm going to go reply to all the other comments in this forum, in Steam's discussions, in the Discord, in Amazon Reviews, in the Steam Reviews, in the Reddit, and in the Discord Tickets now. Thanks.

Eric Asmodius,

If they make the changes to Auto Match as you say, perfect! (..and Thank You)


Then would they remove users ability to report players, since it's all random ?

Blocking, agree with you "pointless" with 23 million players, noted, and thank you!

Eric, if there's "23 million players" how come many times you have to wait 10 minutes to find 6 people to even play with?

And I see the same players all the time am I just that lucky?

OBVIOUSLY someone suiciding on you on their 4th turn is them being an asshole, that's my whole point, and from my POV it's absolutely harassment.  But in a real life game you tell them what an asshole they are, you can punch them in the nose or you just never play with them again.  I've played a million real life Risk games, almost always with close friends or family and I don't ever recall anyone suiciding on me for no reason.

Online that kind of game ruining shit happens fairly regularly and you  just have to start all over in another game and wonder WTF their problem was?  And then you have to remember their username so if you ever see them try to get into a game of yours again you can kick them out.

> Then would they remove users ability to report players, since it's all random ?

Well no, the Collaboration section might be removed, but it would still be possible to encounter people like infinite troop hackers and people who use other kinds of cheating that aren't collaboration, or are harrassing by refusing to end the game.

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