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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

I had their coloraborating tells whipped till he magically appeared with 198 new troops, like im not suposed to notice that, "come on man".....


In my games I just shut off alliances.  The problem with alliances in this version is you can't talk to other players so when you see two players obviously colluding you can't say anything about it.  I've played games where one player is  using (I later found out) 2 accounts and his two accounts both asked me (and I assume everyone else) at the beginning of the game for an alliance.

So then if that cheater forms an alliance that's 3 players, his 2 accounts and his ally that he doesn't have to worry about.   I never ally with anyone anyway so I just shut alliances off.

I saw someone else up there talking about certain devices giving advantages or disadvantages based on their systems, interface or whatever.

I just lost a game because I use and IPod7 and I only moved 4 of my 60 something troops when I meant to move them al because I touched the screen when I didn't mean to while I was moving my troops.   I might have lost the game anyway but that move killed me.  After that the other player just had too much territory for me to overcome. 

Them's the breaks I guess.

Does  anyone here know of a more skill based game like Risk?

I just lost a game because some idiot decided to suicide on me instead of playing the game.  We were about 45 minutes in, 3 of us left, he was an expert and actually had the second most troops.

Then he just gave up and attacked me killing us both so the third place guy won.

I've won a lot of games because of others being so stupid too but it's frustrating that most of Risk is card draw and rolls. 

If you get 3 evenly matched players in a standoff it almost always comes down to whoever gets bored first and decides to suicide.

Solution: Game Finder, joins you to random game with filters to join proper game type, maps, etc.

Avoids cheating, and hopefully the whining!  


All your pics show me is Purple is about to kill Orange, best move. Even though Green has less troops than Orange, Orange has less territories, less time is wasted.

- Then Green (You), I would have tried to take out Orange, turn in cards (if..), then attack purple. But not knowing cards counts..

Sry, don't see signs of cheating, just bad game decisions.

Why are you going after Australia anyways, it's only 2 troops, sheesh everyone thinks Aus is the best, I avoid it like the plague.  No value, and rarely do you win if Aus is home position. 

Yes, the reports on the Discord are seen by Luci, SMG's community manager

Are you kidding me?

I could have tried to take out orange with my 11 men when he has 12 alone in one territory lol?  (You know, the one blocking me from getting to purple?)

Really, do you even know how to play Risk?  Orange literally put all his men in one territory to block me from getting to North America.  He was surrounded by his own color lol.  He couldn't even attack to get a card.

So you're saying that those pics seem legit to you?  That orange stacking all his troops in the entrance to NA....a place he can't attack not obvious signs of cheating?

You're ridiculous dude. 

I reported to her and I believe she will catch those two players. Let people do their job and I will wait. I hope I didn’t falsely accuse the two even though it was too obvious they were playing in pairs.

> Then would they remove users ability to report players, since it's all random ?

Well no, the Collaboration section might be removed, but it would still be possible to encounter people like infinite troop hackers and people who use other kinds of cheating that aren't collaboration, or are harrassing by refusing to end the game.

 Do you notice how in the pics Orange goes from 12 to 16 in the entrance to North America?  Notice how he doesn't put troops anywhere he can attack from or make any attempt whatsoever to defend himself from or attack purple?

Why would orange stack all his troops in one place and just fortify every turn while Purple grows stronger and takes everyone out?

I can't wait to hear your explanation.

Just as bad as collusion is when you actually make it to Master and when you join a game everyone in the game attack should because knocking you out gives them more points. There is zero reason to level up as it only hurts your ability to actually play a game.

And hey Matt, long time no talk.  I just realized you're the same clown who started a whole thread about how one person using two accounts was an "exploit", not cheating lol.

I also remember how you went crying to the mods and banned me from here.

You're still as ridiculous as ever.

If one person has 2 armies and you have one you have next to no chance to defeat that person.  Why do you lie and defend cheating?  You've been doing it for years.

Stop lying and stop cheating.

I've had a reply to my most recent ticket reporting cheater's. Aside from thanking me, the key point of the response was:

"In regards to; Henry the  Lion 4, Joseph Dagher and Winston (ah yi) it was found that they have only played together a few times and often come last. Unfortunately, the game they played against you is not enough evidence to hand down a punishment, however, they have been added into our internal watchlist and we will make sure this does not develop into a common occurrence."

That doesn't seem to match with the Fair Play Rules posted by SMG, found here:

  • If the player has been colluding (offences 2 or 3), first their rank will be reset.

  • If the player continues to collude after a first offence, they may be banned on a second offence depending on the circumstances.

So SMG have records showing they been playing together, aka colluding, on more than one occassion. However, because they don't always win and I'm the first person to report them SMG will not be reseting their rank or punishing them in any way.

Based on what I witnessed of the playing style of "Joseph Dagher" I'm unsure how he could have gotten to Master Level without colluding with others. 

Based on that response, it's not surprising less people appear to be reporting cheaters here on this forum, and presumably via tickets too.

So cheaters, you should realise that spending so much time playing with yourself is really not very good for you. But I no longer care and neither does anyone else, so have it!

That’s great Eric, do you think I just report people for no reason? Why shouldn’t I report people cheating? Out of all the people I’ve reported as far as I know all were found guilty except for 2 I reported the other day. Luci said there was no evidence they were cheating but I still suspect they were. But the other4 people I Reported in the last two weeks were found guilty, two were banned outright, the other two got warnings. Why shouldn’t I have reported them? And if you agree I should have reported them why are you even arguing with me about reporting cheaters?

"Esther Long Hair 6" And Kevin-Kostnix are blatant and shameless cheaters . Avoid them or keep ready to waste a couple of hours. The former is a M , the latter GM 

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