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I have reported all the cheaters that I know for sure in the game because some of them are very obvious. However, this issue has yet to be resolved. I would like to be able to get back into the game after being wiped so that I can see the end of the game and figure out who's cheating for real. This game is not fun at all if people cheat and I am considering to find something else more entertaining and healthy to play.

21 people have this question

 Koray the emoticons are awful, they need a "suspicious" icon to use at least to let other players know if you see something suspicious.

Sometimes it's hard to tell if it's cheating or someone just being an idiot though.  I just played a game where 2 players didn't confirm.....and 1 botted out in their first turn.

So that left me, yellow and blue as the only human players.  For whatever reason, even though he had 20-some troops massed together on turn 4  the blue player suicided on yellow.  I don't know if they had a history of beef or the blue player was angry the yellow kind of pushed him out of SA but the rest of the map was wide open.  Maybe the blue player just didn't want to play a game where there were 3 bots?

Anyway from the yellow player's POV he might suspect that the blue player and I were in cahoots because it was just such a sudden and random suicide and it benefited me because the blue player had 4 cards and only 6-7 troops left.  I finished off blue then yellow was easy.  The AI sucks so beating them was a breeze.

But the yellow player is probably wondering if blue was a 2nd account of mine.

I agree w\t Aaron Hall. That dude smart.

I'm Quinntessential, the one you talked to quite a bit haha

Just played a game against a cheater, Benja_cone was using Joaquitop as a second account. Reported it, let’s see if “they” get banned.
I have been advised by SMG that in response to my ticket, they have reset the ranks of Dior Monk 2 and his dummy account Luigi Centurion 11. So, everyone please submit tickets on obvious cheats. Action is taken.
There really needs to be a chat icon for “cheater” or “suspicious“ or “warning” it something like that. I realized the two accounts were working together early on because Joaquitop kept attack large numbers of my troops with Benja_cone right next to him. He wasn’t at all worried about Benja_cone attacking him, right from the start. Joaquitop took out a 6 and and a 5 troop territory of mine on his first 2 moves. Then Benja_cone moved right next to him and didn’t attack. Obvious 1 user with two accounts.
The game creators should allow a 1v1 mode to eliminate the the individuals that play on multiple devices which unfortunately seems as it's a big problem already!
But I couldn’t do anything besides flash the “devil” icon during the cheaters’ turns to warn the other players and they didn’t understand. Well, I think one did but it was too late. The other didn’t have a clue even after I kept saying “oops” when he kept putting all his troops in the entrance to Australia while the “two” cheaters took over the map. It’s infuriating watching a cheater win like that. So about a fucking BLOCK feature and some kind of cheating warning icon?
I do not understand why the game does not simply create a 1v1 mode to eliminate the multiple adevixe cheaters. This game is very entertaining but the multiple device cheaters are so damn annoying! Completely ruining what is a great game!

Lutipo cheated by having seven (7) armies on a country,. had continent Australia and  5 other countries, received 25 armies on his 7 when he turned in a match in a fixed card bonus game. How did he do it, and f him. fix it

I wouldn't say you are paranoid, if there is a way for someone to cheat ( 2 accounts, hacking, whatever) some people will do it. I would reccomend not playing in 3 player games as those always seem alot more suspect to me. I also agree with Daniel that some people whine about things that are not cheating.

Well you guys sure are great moderators.  I loved the way you all swarmed all over me! 

I didn't realize pointing out how shitty the broken AI was such  a touchy subject with you all.  Why are you all so defensive if someone points out that the AI is awful?

I loved the comment, I forget when one of you said it....but the comment was something like "hey Bart.....I just beat AI in a game in 5 minutes".....which completely proves my point lol.

The AI in Risk is completely useless and when players bot out or don't confirm it totally ruins the game because the AI doesn't behave intelligently, it's totally random.  You can claim it has different "personalities" but the fact game......the AI doesn't behave intelligently.  If you're stuck by a player with a large army and it bots out you then have to deal with that nonsense while a player on the other side of the map might be completely clear of the bot's reach.

The reason I brought it up and was so incensed is it happens all the time in games, I've lost 3 games recently due to players botting out and the AI being usesless. 

I also just won a game where the same thing happened to someone else.  They were surrounded by bot troops and had to break through them to get to me.....which weakened them to the point that they couldn't defeat me.  The bot surrounded them, stacked troops around them....didn't try to do anything else except conquer a few random territories lol.

5 years into this game's existence and they can't even get the fucking AI to do basic things like fortify borders, attack borders or recognize who the strongest player in a game is?

When you can leave borders unprotected because you know the AI won't attack the AI is completely broken.  Completely.

And getting defensive about it when someone points it out isn't fixing it.

Hi Phillip@SMG,

Thanks for the response. I can see the ticket now (as per attached screen shot 1 - 09.01.2018).

I couldn't see the ticket yesterday when I received the email (as per attached screen shot 2 - 08.01.2018)

Not sure what the problem was. Seems ok now. Thanks


Ellie Gibster is a huge cheater.totally played multiple players - other players attacked with no chance to win just to reduce my armies when I was clearly winning....and then let Ellie run right through them...pitiful.
Do not Play Alton Agincourt 6 he is a Grand Master and his accomplice is Poco Mcpunch 6. They cheat, so obvious that when he had a chance to take out Mcpunch he did not, let him get his numbers back up and then they attacked me who had an alliance with him.... ridiculous
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