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game cheating

black & red players are cheating in risk game. time: 15 minutes before

I believe there are online RISK players who have a hack to make their opponents disconnect/drop connect, like sending a particular opponent spam download/upload packets to their ip. As well as a hack to make their opponents draft interface button not be responsive causing the player to run out of placement time while the game still flows fine but draft interface button is unresponsive, which makes that player being hacked just quit/surrender or close out app completely. I experience this often when playing against someone who takes their win/loss seriously as they have high ELO ranking and I am winning them. Then they do teasing emotes as they are hacking me with that cheat/hack program whichly obviously exposes them as using this hack on me.

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Are LINWOOD TAKANO and GENERAL HAMAMOTO 9515 the same person? They sure play as if they are!

ARTHUR YOSHI 10, TESSA, and REUBIN OVERKILL, all from USA, are all the same person WHO CHEATS AT RISK!! Enjoy your upcoming suspension, CHEATER!!

GENERAL KANNAN 5445 and GENERAL BASSI 13226 most obvious example of cheating thus far..

Enjoy your upcoming suspension, CHEATER!!!!

Watch out for GENERRAL KANNAN 5445 and GENERAL BASSI 13226, both of Canada. CHEATERS. Same player using 2 names!!

Same player using 3 accounts -watch out for GENERAL COURAGE 12037, EBBA SHIBA, and  FRANCES TRENCHARD 5, all from USA and all CHEATERS!!

more CHEATERS - JOSH HEITZMAN and GENERAL CHEESE 13382 both of USA are the same player.


NERO STRINGER 14 and  IVAN STEELE 23, both from GERMANY, are the same person. REPORT THESE CHEATERS!!!!

encounter 2 cheaters in a game yesterday JAMIE and  LAMBERT MASTERSON 34,  both from USA.

Toady in a game with LAMBERT MASTERSON 34  and  WHITE SHADOW,   also from USA. 


XSESSIVEGAMING  and  BERNARD  STRONG 12,  both from USA are the same person. XSESSIVEGAMING has already been identified as a CHEATER, along with his other aliases DANIEL ANDERSON and JAMES.

SMG, are you going to do something about this???

Computabuda  and  c0ntinue,  both from USA, are the same player. Cheaters!!

FREEDA TIN LEGS 17 and GENERAL SOW 9272 are the same person ( who also happens to be a CHEATER!!!)

In another game now with the cheater DANIEL ANDERSON of USA, this time his second account is XSESSIVE GAMING, also of USA.

SMG, do you ever intend to do anything about these cheaters?

SILENT GINA from USA is a cheater, playing under a second name GENERAL AMANO, also of USA

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