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Today I don't know how it was done but I saw and took pics of the game. We had a grandmaster in the game and as he was about to get beat then the game freezes then resets it self to the beginning, after playing for over 30 minutes. I don't pay for the game and expect this kind of cheating to be going on. I would like a refund of my purchase because this is absurd. The first picture was taken at 2:52 Mountain standard time. As you can see the player tim pinky 2 had no troops left as he was already defeated. The two last pictures have a time stamp on them. Look at the game timer the red bar on top from the previous picture is less than the latest picture timer has on. This has to be fixed. How do you developers allow this kind of cheating to take place??? Makes me think this Alain and Tim pinky are developer working for your company!!! How does a game reset to the beginning once it was supposed to be over???

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It just happened to me. I was playing and I just turned in my troops and solidifying my position, then the game reset back to the beginning. The strange thing is that the yellow player got booted our earlier but there was a person playing him!!! Somebody please fix this obvious weakness as it is very frustrating. You are gonna lose alot of honest players in the long run.

wish I could do that with real life

Here is the REAL problem: it is IMPOSSIBLE to win a game if RISK, playing by yourself, if two other players decide to "team up". That's the bottom line, period! It doesn't matter if you are playing IRL or O/L, whether there are 3, 4, 5, or 6 players, or what the rank of ANY of those players is. two players teamed up will always, always, always defeat the others. Online risk help to mitigate that problem if you can truly get a group of actually random competirors in a game. The ONLY way that I have found to assure that is to include 2 human players and the rest comps. There is literally no other way besides that arrangement to verify that you don't have two armies teaming up. whether those two armies are controlled by the same person or two different people is almost entirely irrelevant.

Okay thanks for the description, I was just looking at them back to front, I understand now.

I will look into this and notify the team.



Wow @Mark ,

Thanks for your statistics: I never thought about the % to meet two granmasters in the same game, and, let me say, you are right. 

I'm playing this game - and I love it 'cause when I was young I was kinda addicted - for about one year (more or less) . About cheaters: I met only one time a guy who did double his army in a country at the end of turn. Just one time. Most of the time I met double-account-one-persona cheater type that you described. 

Then there is another issue that many people think is cheating but I'm not sure. Can be a bug: it's when your turn expires immediately and you are not able to do your move and system deploys your armies on behalf of you. Reading this forum I notice that many users met this problem .  

What do you think? bug or cheater? 

I'm great at the game of RISK when I play other people. I usually win.  When playing against your computer I win. I have played SEVERAL GAMES with "live" people at my rank or below and have never come CLOSE to winning.  I'm not going to play Steam Risk until the cheating problem is solved.

Porsche Rios a 7 "Grandmaster" is definetly cheating, Mable Slick 7 is his double account, no doubt. I noticed the way the novice account was attacking was weird in the beginning. I attacked the Grandmaster in leaving Africa for the novice , he didn't go for the obvious but attacked me then in Europe instead, I am pissed.
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