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Risk 2 -- Same Time Risk

Can we get a Same Time Risk option, like from Risk 2? That was amazing and ooened up a whole new playing style.

18 people like this idea

I agree. Risk 2 brings in a lot more strategy than standard risk. It isn't possible to plop down a ton of troops and run straight through the map in risk 2 as it is in standard risk. Please add this as an upgrade.

2 people like this

This would be a welcomed game type!!!!

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Yes, please!!! This was the best game option in Risk II. Also helps human player turns go by quicker (simultaneous) - less down time.

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definitely needed 

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Please add sametime risk.

Agreed - Same time Risk is a tremendous feature - so much fun, and requires a lot of strategy.

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Agreed - Same time Risk is a tremendous feature - so much fun, and requires a lot of strategy.

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Risk 2 same time was the best gameplay ever.

Please add this feature.

I'm willing to pay for this.

Couldn't agree more. Same Time Risk is superior. I'm willing to pay for this!
Add this feature plis
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