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Live / free chat with RISK players and alliances

IDEA: Live in-game chat with other players and or allies only (that you've formed an alliance with).

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Like I said I think they dont even have something like that because it would go from E for everyone rating to T for teen.
Or maybe they could have preset messages such as I wont attack your continent if you dont attack mine or choose certain territories you want them to leave alone. Just so you could prevent bullying and swearing

even if there was you do not attack my contient and I will not attack yours until there is only the 2 of us left option would be very helpful.

I think in-game chats should be reserved for those games where you are playing only friends.  Playing random players with in-game chats would enable conspirators to collaborate more effectively against other players.

I would like this feature. Heck even some preset chat text would be cool.
Add more communication options like leave my continent's alone but take others or you have to add chat. Currently we cannot do any real strategy in a strategy game. It all boils down to how long until someone turns on you or you turn on them.
I'd love to see a public chat in the game. Also would keep down on cheaters if they can be called out for sure. I get frustrated with not being able to talk to others. No one sitting in the room with me doesn't care if I lost a territory so I'd like to be able to chat. Please please please!!!
This would be a must specially when you allied with everybody you could let the other player know i see it all the time they will tell you to attack green when you know they have an Alliance with green and you i would love chat
Also think about it how we used to talk to each other while you played atbthe table . actually played the game you have a table definitely a need for it
Use a chat just like clash of clans pops in and out perfect and yes I agree a lot more to the game the only problem is constant professional teams working against single players so I do understand it will turn every game into 2v2v2 or 3v3 at a game board u can't ally ur best mate against another mate at the start or tantrums and over on this to rank everybody will have a teamwork with perfect alliance performance thru every game the way they have created the game works very well to counteract that the biggest problem so sorry guys I hate not being able to jam online with mates but it would really ruin the game this way I guarantee right now every grandmaster has a Carry suicider or wateva to rank them so tbh there is still some of the problem remaining that people that live with somebody they can play with can win literally every 5/6 games chur many NZ riskers !

Well you can tell someone to attack yellow

I can’t believe we still don’t have a chat feature. Years ago when I played “Attack” on facebook, we could chat with people, and it made it really fun, and I even made some friends. Please bring this function ASAP.

I dont think it is good idea.

-Games would last even longer

-Its fun to have limited information and try to read peoples intentions without words.

-You would have to employ dozen of moderators to keep insults and threats away.

I just believe sending reactions emoticons is enough and people dont use it frequently

This would be awesome!!!!!!! In-game chat just brings a new element of strategy and adds another layer to this great game! After all, in real life, you would be communicating anyway. Even if it’s just preset chat messages (which is kinda lame). Please please please please please implement this!

Chat would take the game to a whole new level and make it far more popular (and therefore profitable!) - can't think why it has not been done...

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