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TURNCOAT - player statistic to show % of alliances broken

IDEA: A player statistic visible to other players that shows your % of alliance broken before <x> number of turns.

[Note: exact number of turns to be defined.]

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108 people like this idea

Soo..... are you breaking the Alliance a turn ahead or right before attacking? Because that's not even relevant to break the alliance then attack during your turn. I've cleared all 5 other players off the board in one turn a lot of times. Alliances are useless once the game reaches its peak.At best they are useful in showing someone how pissed you are when they do things you don't like.


If I make an alliance I honor it if i have to break it for any reason I inform the person before I attack. It suck when you have an alliance and you leave a weak spot trusting and they turn in you. I lost a game because of an alliance broken.
Right now Alliances are absolutly useless !
This is a game of war and I understand everyone s frustration. We all have been gang on, we all have been through betrayal and we all have learned you don't win every game. We should all be grateful to the team who created this game and realized in war everyone is a psychopath. Besides when there is only two about to be left who rushes to kill the third player?
Do it! I'm sick of people accepting alliances and not intending to keep them. If I see a low percentage then I would attack them first!!!
I and be I. Effective
Silly request. Every alliance is ultimately broken or there can be no winner. Part of strategy is to plan for contigancies​ like broken alliances. When a partner realizes they are better off takng you out, they should. can't trust anyone blindly.
Now, hang on. I've been forced to break alliances at times because some players are douche bags and attack the crap outta you even if you're supposed allies...
Sometimes I have to go through an allies territories to wipe out a weakened player. There should be a way to tell that person their time has not yet come. Yes sooner or later all alliances have to be broken. That should be when the last two players face off against each other.

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Risk is a free for all game. Alliances should be removed from the game.


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I think we should be able to say how many turns for a allaince. So u could request a 4 turn allaince or a final 2 deal. Would be nice. Also just like real risk everyone laying sees who makes allaince normally

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I think it should be on double crossing because if someone has attacked you constantly you will break it but that is not something that should be bad for you
Trying to enforce and monitor alliances is pointless and doesn't illustrate the fluidity and tension of strategic alliance on a competitive field.

What would the cut-off be? 4 armies? 5? 7? 10? Does that number increase as the game progresses? What if I'm not holding a continent, or have 15 armies in a random territory in northern Asia that an "ally" decides to attack? What if I accept an alliance, am minding my own business picking up cards, and my supposed ally is acting aggressively toward me? Maybe he hasn't attacked the continent I'm holding, but he's clearly amassing the bulk of his force on my border or trying to pin me into a certain area to force me to attack another player or prepare to kill me. If I break the alliance, even if I'm not ready to escalate hostilities, that may trigger him to do so. 

Yes. Very correct. At some point you Will break your alliance. So a score on breaking alliances is NOT good idea. Instead a score of 1-10 how likely they are to be committed in one. Scoring to be determined on how often they "attack" their partners who are in alliance. Not break the alliance. There should be no fault score for cutting off ties from an alliance. Just attacking those who you have one with. And no. Not any attack. But an attack on a continent, would be what it should refer to. Because attacking singles or doubles or triples for cards is not a break in a treaty.
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