Android, respawn bug, controller support not working
Michael Starkey
started a topic
4 months ago
I see how old these topics are, so I know this is a long shot.
But the game did just get a hotfix so why not.
Video above shows a respawn bug in the second puzzle "Circles" where both bots respawn in the center of the map, not at their respawn points. This is a new bug.
Second issue is an older one that I figured I'd just track on.
Using an AYN Odin 2 mini (or any Chinese Android handheld devices) doesn't allow the full use of their built in controllers.
The left stick has no control over the red bot, while the right one does.
1 person has this problem
1 Comment
Diego Martinez
4 months ago
I have the same issue on my Android phone, I bought the game yesterday and the respawn bug makes it unplayable for me.
Michael Starkey
1 person has this problem