During the attack phase in RISK: Global Domination, you can choose Manual dice roll.

Manual rolls  use the True Random algorithm as by design. These work the same as in the original board game.

Attacker vs Defender:

Once you have chosen a territory to attack, the battle is fought by rolling the dice.

  • The attacker (you) rolls 1, 2, or 3 dice. The attacker must have at least one more troop than the amount of dice they roll.

  • The defender rolls 1 or 2 dice. In order to roll 2 dice, the defender must have two or more troops in their territory.

Pairs of attacking and defending dice are compared and the highest number wins. If it’s a tie, the defender wins.


  1. When deciding between blitz and manual dice rolling, take into consideration the expected win rate. If the win rate is closer to 100% you should blitz roll, however if the number is closer to 0% it is advised you manual roll. The riskier it is to blitz roll, the better it is for you to manual roll. With manual roll you can only lose up to 2 troops at a time, whereas in Blitz roll the outcome is decided in just one dice roll.

  2. Use the 75/25 rule. If an attack has above 75% chance to win, you’ll get significantly higher odds by blitzing, and if it has below 25% you’ll get significantly higher odds by manually rolling. 

  3. For battles in between a 25 and 75 percent chance of winning it is entirely up to the player. You can choose a manual dice roll at the beginning of a battle to weaken your opponent and then switch to Blitz Dice Roll to increase your odds of capturing a territory. 

  4. When deciding between blitz and manual dice rolling, take into consideration the expected win rate. If the win rate is closer to 100% you should blitz roll, however if the number is closer to 0% it is advised you manual roll. The riskier it is to blitz roll, the better it is for you to manual roll. With manual roll you can only lose up to 2 troops at a time, whereas in Blitz roll the outcome is decided in just one dice roll.

  5. For battles closer to a 50 percent chance of winning, it is entirely up to the player. You can choose a manual dice roll at the beginning of a battle to weaken your opponent and then switch to Blitz Dice Roll to increase your odds of capturing a territory.