Premium Gameplay

Why have you made Fog of War, Blizzards and Zombie Apocalypse modes premium? 

Premium is a one time purchase that supports SMG to continue improving RISK and adding fun and exciting game modes, updates and content in future. 

We want to add value to premium players and with the new portals mode (and more modes to come) we've moved this into Premium vs charging for the new modes that are added. Or adding more content for free as there's already a lot we give for free. 

We want people to move to premium, we're not pretending otherwise. And for those that have already gone premium we'll keep adding more value to those players. We think that's a pretty good way to operate.We'll always keep classic play on classic map for free.

Any player is still able to join both ranked and unranked multiplayer games with Premium modes and modifiers, you only need Premium to be able to create and host games with these modes and modifiers.

What game modes and modifiers are Premium-Exclusive for hosting players?

The following game modes are now premium exclusive for hosting players: 

  • Zombies
  • Fog of War
  • Blizzards
  • Portals 

Can I still play these game modes without Premium? 

You will still be able to join any game with these modes and modifiers, regardless of if you have purchased Premium or not. To create and host any of these game modes or modifiers, you will need premium.

You will still be able to play existing scenarios that use these game modes, regardless of if you have purchased Premium or not.

The classic RISK experience will always remain free to play (with ads) to all players.

New UI

Why have you changed the UI 

Our old UI was a bit confusing and overwhelming for new players trying to set up or join games, so we have revisited it so that the experience is simpler for users, and also more in line with current best UI practices.

I cant find the game modifiers / settings

All settings are still available. You can find them in the "Modifiers" button at the bottom of the "Modes and Modifiers" page after you have selected a map to play.