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Why am I banned? Error 1336?

I have been playing this game for years and now banned for cheating? I have no friends playing with. I don't get it? Error 1336? Please bring my playing back!

26 people have this question

Pls bring my playing back. I don't get it, why ? What's cheating ?

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Exactly I had WiFi problems and therefore I get flagged as cheating

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Pls bring my playing back. I don't get it, why ? What's cheating ?

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I love risk game
Also mein multiplayer Account wurde gesperrt... aber warum?? Ich habe nicht betrogen oder gegen die Fair play regeln nicht verstossen. Ich spiel das spiel schon mehrere jahre und noch nie so ein problem..!

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I never cheated either, I think someone simply didn’t like losing so complained. I don’t have family or friends to play with so

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Same here. Why was I banned?

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I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong. I have also paid for many of the extras so please bring my game back.
I need to play
A mi me ha salido el error 1336, que supuestamente es por acosar, piratear y estafar... LOL He enviado un ticket para que me digan como recuperar mi cuenta o poder haceruna nueva porque no me deja
Hi i cannot play because thy close my accounts Please open for play And I just alin withe frind if thes not allow I will not do aging Thanks for anderstanding
Why have I been banded? I don't understand? I have never cheated in my life. Please unbanned me.
I used to play the domination games with my other friend and we planned to cooperate against the other players becouse it seemed like they are allied so we decided to teamwork defeat the other enemies first before we fight eachother but after a while playing this way. we both got banned but we didn't expect that it counts as cheating. Pls unban me and my friend Behzad, I will promiss that i will have a fairplay in the future. Thanks alot!
I used to play domination games with my other friend and we planned to suppurate against the other players because it’s seemed like they are allies so we decided to teamwork to defeat the other enemies first before we fight with each other but we got banned but we didn’t expected that it count as cheating plz unban me and my friend shahryar

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