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Why am I banned? Error 1336?

I have been playing this game for years and now banned for cheating? I have no friends playing with. I don't get it? Error 1336? Please bring my playing back!

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Why im band
What the fuck I spent some cash on risk and I'm bann I haven't even opened it in a week until bann me fuckers
Ich komme nicht mehr in meinen Account. Habe die App dann gelöscht aber kann immer noch nicht Online spielen. Was soll das? Habe mir nichts zu schulden kommen lassen. Wofür habe ich das Ding gekauft???
Please bring me back!! I have been bannes for no reason!!
I i am « henriette the fifth 17´ i have been banned but i never cheated!! Please bring me back!! I bought multiple packages and i am affraid to lose them!!!

J’ai étais bannie pour soit disant tricherie mais n’ayant pas d’argent en plus à mettre dans ce jeux et j’en et déjà mis pas mal,  pour joué avec des amis sur des Maps que je n’ai pas il faut s’y retrouver en domination mondial! Pourquoi en mode jouer entre amis les Maps ne sont pas débloqué ???? Cela éviterai de bannir beaucoup de personne! Veuillez de ce fait me débloquer merci.

I ve playing risk more than 4 years. I bought every possible map and unlimited coins. On top of it i suggested all my friends to do so. First you banned my account i have playing with which i was grandmaster over hundreds of games in years of effort. I oppened another account and bought the maps again now i got banned again. Just because i am good at this game and winning against REAL cheaters, they keep complaining. You want fair play? Then start with sending people screen shots of violations as a proof. Because otherwise it looks like you guys are trying to profit more by banning people like me who actually spent money and too much effort. Which is totally unfair. You think i am cheating? No problem block me and MY IMAGINERY friend to play together and thats it. I assume you have enough technology to do so. Otherwise like i said it really looks like you re banning people who spend money in this game to profit more which is really unfair. You have on option to be ally with another players but you are considering playing with friend as cheating. That is literally nonsense.

Another advice is just create a group gameplay that people can play with their friends against other group of friends. For example 8 players 4group. That can avoid real cheating. I hope someone pays attention to these messages.

Wtf? I was banned for nothing. This game playing from childhood and start on table game. Start playing with phone and after 2 months get ban. Played around 120 games. 50 wins and 60 loss. Play alone so why i was banned?! If look in top 50 you wil see thu really cheting but this people not banded. Ower thousands game and just couple loss. Plz proof of cheating or unban
Ummm well this kinda dumb can you guys unban me the other players were just mad
Wtf? I was banned for nothing. This game playing from childhood and start on table game. Start playing with phone and after 2 months get ban. Played around 120 games. 50 wins and 60 loss. Play alone so why i was banned?! If look in top 50 you wil see thu really cheting but this people not banded. Ower thousands game and just couple loss
What happens with you guys, someone who doesn't like to loose did this to me, why you didn't get in touch with before bloking my game, this is very unprofessional to pay attention to anybody who report another player, very unprofessional
Error 1336 Nachdem öfter die Internetverbindung gesponnen hat war ich auf einmal gebannt
I don't even know why did I get banned. Please, let me play online again. I think I didn't make a mistake

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Omarsoydas ile beni ban lamışsınız Sebep nedir Hangi oyunda bir bririmizi kollamışız ? Sürekli ikimiz birbirimizle mücadele ediyoruz Ama tam tersi durumla defalarca karşılaştım Oyunun keyfi dedim şikayette bulunmadım Para ödeyim harita satın alıyoruz Ama oyumu oynayamıyoruz Ozaman aldığımız harita paralarını iade edin

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Neden banlandım Sebepne Hangi oyunda hangi arkadaşımla hile beya başka birşey yapmışım Sürekli oyunlarda ikili saldırılara maruz kaşıyorum Buna rağmen şikayette bulunmuyorum Oyumum keyfi diyorum Omersoydaş ile girdiğimiz global oyunlarında sürekli birbirmize saldırıyoruz Ve tüm oyunları biz kaynediyoruz Bu nasıl mantık Bu kadar harita aldık Ona rağmen oyunu oynamaktan mahrum bırakılıyoruz Ozaman iade edin paramızı

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