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Reporting Options

This post is the offical place to discuss options for reporting players in game.

Idea: In game functionality to report players.

Express your ideas, but please keep all player reports to the support tickets.

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BraindeadSalmon54392 played as both players. It was obvious. He's a POS cheater.
Extremely sick of people cheating by running 2 accounts. You cannot possibly win 2 against 1. Something must be done to allow honest players to report cheaters when we see them!

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This really needs to be implemented asap. I have no doubt that the game I just played involved a player hosted bot. The username of the player is RestingHippo1093. I will give the characterstics of this bot and compare them to my knowledge of Risk AIs. Risk AI: > Able to strategically guide the bot on where to generally attack next depending on certain factors like troop count in adjacent territories, and open paths. > Depending on how much the board changss before the AI's next turn, it can take almost an entire turn for the bot to recalculate; sometimes taking an entire turn. > The attacks of the AI are instant, however, there is a certain delay from attack to attack. > Will build troops around player troops that stay stagnant in order to eventually overtake them, or to defend a position/border. > Generally, the AI will most likely leave a path of ones behind depending on how big their attack sprees are, and whether or not they are trying to take space, or claim a continent. Player Hosted Bot: > Attacks instantly with no delays on the next attack, while also leaving troops behind with almost every attack. The bot takes no time in leaving troops behind as a human would normally do. > This bot seemed to attack in ways that were mathamatically the most strategic. > The bot was able to regain ground pretty quickly, which made it almost imposible to eventually take over. > It didn't seem to be easily controlled. The only thing you could do was build so that it didn't think it could take that territory, otherwise, there was no stopping or controlling where it would go next. > It fortified at the end of every turn and would do so in a strategically smart mannor. All in all, this bot was probably two times more difficult than the "Hard" AIs in game. Somehow I managed to still outsmart it and win, but only by a hair. Its use of taking, defending, while also landgrabbing, made it extremely hard to drain, and it almost seemed like a powerful virus that kept spreading and spreading. Someone mentioned a cheat check sort of deal. I think that would be nice, but as far as bots go, It would be good to implement a way for the game to recognize bot like activities and kick the player from the match, and ban them.

Maybe there is a way we can help to regulate cheating ourselves...

1) On the card in the Players screen - add a "Report" button - if someone suspects they are cheating, they hit that button

2) In the Create Game section - highlight any games that have been "Reported"

3) Allow people to go in and spectate these games - and if they also feel that cheating is going on, can confirm it and have that player automatically flagged for inspection by SMG

I'm sure this could work quite well once the user base is large enough - besides, it's quite interesting to watch other people play... so adding a Global Spectate function for everyone would be great anyway!

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STOP THE CHEATING!!!! It's disgusting, almost 8 out of 10 is cheating game , There must be a way to stop this ! I think the best way is to host random games , where I just chose my preference game setting , press a button and join a game hosted totally random !!! So don't use Normal game where u can join random or by choice , You can online single player

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I have played with Sandy Archer 2 a few times and have always found him/her to be a fair player. But if what you're saying is true then maybe he/she has gone to the dark side.
Rick, it's not that they are 'teaming up', it's one person running 2 accounts.

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Sandy Archer2 and KingSavage5 were obviously colluding. SA2 took out all but one army of another player (easily could have taken it). Then KS5 turned in his cards, killed the one army, collected his cards and turned in another set and proceeded to finish me off leaving just the two of them. SA2 gave me a little smile icon. Oh, and I was the 3rd to join, they were the first two in the game.
Again it's risk people team up deal with it
This may not always be cheating especially when bots are involved. For me when I have an alliance with someone I honor it until I eliminate others or until its obviously players will eliminate them. Of course, I sure there are those who cheat.

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I got a response and they seemed to take some action against a "couple" of cheaters I reported.  Maybe they don't do enough, but at least they did something.


I would like to preface that I suspect cheaters a lot, have played 400+ games here, but this is first time I feel it obvious enough to report. Grandmaster, intermediate and novice opponent. Grandmaster goes after novice after having south America. Intermediate goes after novice after having Australia. Suspicious, but not obvious. Then after grandmaster tries to take out novice, he fails but does take all of North America, South America and Africa but has low numbers guarding borders. I have 27 armies stacked where I can't poke in all territories, so place my 3 to take yellows last territory and go for Alaska to try and poke grandmaster in North America. I fail. Now, I have played risk for 20+ years online and offline. Maybe I'm good, maybe I stink who knows. But in that time I have played with a lot of players, and we both know a true "intermediate" isnt going to go after my 8+ territories and 27 army with under 20 armies to attack with, especially while the only other player is holding 3 continents. Yet that's what they did. They took what man of mine they could to weaken me as much as possible than ended turn to let the grandmaster take me out for my cards. And just in case you try to say he was making a suicide attempt at my cards for himself, which would be ignorant in a fixed card game like this one, he even went a route that didn't make an attempt. I caught a screenshot before he finished to try and illustrate. Thoughts? Curious if they respond and actually do something.

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User reports can help to combat cheating but maybe something more would be useful. I posted this idea in the 'report players when they're cheating' thread and would like to add it to the discussion here: -----------------------------------What if players faced random record inspections or 'cheat checks'. Cheat checks would consist of basically the same process as the one reported players are already subjected to. However, it would probably work best if it was an automated process. Suspicious accounts could be flagged for human attention. To make it more useful the inspections could target only players who have played recently and or accounts that are high ranking. If this were a public effort it would serve as a significant deterrent to cheating.

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Sorty for putting this here. Will add a report ticket.
Just played against 2 obvious cheaters: Peter justice 2 and smith Schulz 2. Both grandmasters added a couple of bots, and started the game. After one of them took south and North America plus Europe, leaving a huge opening, the other didn't attack them but went after me in Australia. Made absolutely no sense. Unbelievably, some people have no shame.

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