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Name and shame the cheats - no discussion just list the cheats

Two to start: Meg - an Annie the rugged 3

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All of the following players are very likely cheaters:

Grandmasters— Dider A. Rodriguez, Cherry Cisco 7, and Guillermo Guio Guzman
There shenanigans start at but continue until around 3:48 when they give up on my game.

Masters— Nathalie Lindenhoven, and Dawid Gasiorowski

Grandmaster and Expert — Tony Flintlock 10, and ?Michael
and again at

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BTW Tony Flintlock 10 is currently ranked #90.

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MWV7777 and Herve longsword14, both experts
Huey borin 13 can duplicate troups he had 32 and double when reinforcing and again from 62 how do I report this?
I’ve made numerous reports of obvious cheats and haven’t had one positive response. Pointless to report. Grandmaster MistiD-1 and expert Ennis Cartwright12. Collusion, prolly one player 2 accounts. I do like another players suggestion of having your own capability to ban players you choose from games you are entered in. So, click MistiD is banned. It won’t let me enter a match the cheater is in nor will it let the cheater join a match I’m entered in.
I?kkefant ~ picture of duchebag in stringlette on beach holding a kid
=Lake 41= and Zelma The Eighth 2.
I’m actually not playing anymore because of people cheating! What a shame I love this game
Grandmaster MMMMMMMMMMMOMO and JOSEPH BAYONETTE 14 Are 100% the same player!!!!!!! CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT. If you CHEAT you haven’t won anything!!!!
Grandmaster MMMMMMMMMMMOMO & JOSEPH BAYONETTE 14 Are 100% the same player.

I was dating a guy for nearly 18 years he was 6 years younger than me we have a daughter together I was told by people that knew us both that he was cheating but he denied it then he sent my eldest daughter a dick pick and totally forgot about it until he started being secretive by sleeping with his phone and he was addictive to social media I trusted him until he introduced our daughter to one of his mistress when I confronted him and it he of course denied it so I decided to confront one of his friends who has known him since their school days said that they had a fight because he slept with his fiancée while he was engaged to me and now he’s lying to everyone and I just want everybody to be aware that he’s still cheating with other women and chasing girls that are old enough to be his daughters and this is not the first time that he’s been accused of chasing younger girls because docs stepped in and took our daughter when she was younger and because he’s also a drug abuser but because it couldn’t be proved about the girls nothing could be done about it but I’ve started having young teenage girls who are friends of my son saying that he’s made advances to them so I just want people to be aware because he’s dating a high school teacher at the moment and I know he’s doing the same to her he’s name is David Knopf 

todd_7272 Grand Master with his dummy player Marvel Defiance .
RaWulf8 and Yag?zOver - clearly the same player.
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